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32 Training video's IM Mark Dvoretsky and GM Artur Yusupov
Article: Chess and autism
Chess as a subject in primary schools
London Chess Conferences 2013
Questionnaire for chess analysis
Dutch site of Karel van Delft
Newsletters (Dutch, some English content)
Connection 1 Chess Experience 1999
The national youth teams of The Netherlands, Israel and Germany played in 1999 in Apeldoorn. They also trained together with IM Mark Dvoretsky and GM Artur Yusupov. There was a site which is preserved in a file.
You can visit the site with games and other information.
There for English texts you click on the grey box 'Kijk hier voor....'.
Most of the links in the site still work.
You also may go to the databank on the site
In the tournament bulletin you find games and reports about the training sessions (2.4 MB).
Download the article World Chess Championship 2013 Anand Carlsen psychological observations.
Download the article Chess instruction methods in schools
Download the article The seventeenth chess piece
Article The origin of the term 'the seventeenth chess piece'
By Karel van Delft, GM Artur Yusupov and IM Arthur van de Oudeweetering.
In Dutch, with some english translations and russian original texts.
With link to original book of Levidov and many illustrations.
Originally published in newsletter 165 of Schaakacademie Apeldoorn.
Download the article.
The ebook can be read on an e-reader, a PC, via a tablet and smartphone.